Top 5 Most Obedient Dog Breeds


Obedience is one of the most important characteristic of a dog.Being obedient for a dog not only helps him but also makes his owner proud.One of the biggest factor in being obedient or non obedient is how the dog is treated and trained by his owner.There are also some dog breeds that are naturally more obedient than other dog breeds or can be called easier to train.Here we have created a list of Top 5 Most obedient dog breeds.



Top 5 Most Obedient Dog Breeds

Rottweilers are one of the most famous among all dog breeds and the main reason behind this is being so versatile in characteristics.They are strong,intelligent and are also ranked as one of the best dog breed for protection.


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Unknown said...

Oh, what a beautiful puppy that you have there. Is it by chance a german rottweiler puppy? I ask that because it looks somewhat of that breed but, I could be wrong though.

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