Top 5 Best Dog Breeds


Dogs have always been a companion for human beings.They have been serving humans in numerous ways and are still doing their jobs in every part of the world.People see them differently in different parts.However they are the most kept pets all over the world.The number is increasing day by day.In past men have bred them for work or for protection but now they are most widely used to help people as a companion as a family member and a support for paralyzed people.



Top 5 Best Dog Breeds

Dachshunds has been ranked as the 4th most popular dog breed among all dog breeds.These dogs are also classified into three different groups out which two are AKC registered.Dachshunds were bred to hunt.They have high running speeds.Their odd body shapes and characteristics attracts new dog owners towards them.Dachshunds have been carrying their position as one of the most popular dog breed from last 50 years.


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