10 Things You Should Know about Persian Cats


10 Things You Should Know about Persian Cats

Persian Cats are sweet feline members who have their lovers all around the world.They are one of the oldest cat breeds with several types which originated in different areas.They are loving affectionate and likes you to pet them always.Here are some interesting facts about Persian Cats.

  1. Persian Cats are thought to be existed hundreds of years ago in Middle East however they became prominent in 17th century.They became famous after they were imported to Europe and have been carrying their position as the most famous cat breed over a century.
  2. Persian Cats are also related to another ancient cat breed named as Turkish angora cats which thought to be existed more than thousand years ago.Persian Cats were considered as type of Turkish Angora cats in their early days of development.
  3. Persian Cats are delicate and needs some royal treatment.They need to be groomed daily and needs your attention.Grooming a Persian Cat can be a difficult task and you may need to contact a professional groomer for this.
  4. Persian Cats are prone to many diseases.Obesity mostly becomes the main cause for other problems.They have tendency to suffer from Noisy breathing and also Hairballs.
  5. Persian Cats pass most of their time sleeping.They sleep almost 2/3 of their day time.
  6. Persian Cats have big prominent eyes that works as a mile stone in their beauty.Their eyes works a lot for them as they are not vocal and it can be seen in their eyes what they want to tell you.
  7. Persian Cats have pretty odd routines.They like to sleep when everyone is awake and they sleep like they have performed all of their life duties means not so alert like mostly cats are.They are active at nights when you have fallen a sleep so let their toys out of the box at night.
  8. Persian Cats are just suitable for everyone all that they need from you is to fulfill their grooming needs and they will be a nice suitable pet for you.
  9. Persian Cats can be costly for you.They are beautiful and breeders charge high prices for them depending upon the bloodline.A show quality Persian Cat may cost you more than $1000.
  10. Persian Cats are not so energetic but that does not mean they are lazy.They are intelligent and are trainable.They can learn new tricks.They have flexibility in their nature and you can change them with your treatment and proper training.

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