Top 5 Hidden dangers for your dog you never knew


Every dog owner must be aware of few things which can be very dangerous for their dog. There are some common dangers which most of us know like not leaving the dog in the hot car, refreshing their water, keeping a look at the thing they eat, etc. But their are few things which most of us don't know. 5 most common of these things have been listed below.


Home Repairs:

Top 5 Hidden dangers for your dog you never knew

Dogs love to help out with home repairs. Items like turpentine, kerosene, paint thinners and wood strippers are all highly caustic and can be breathed into your pet’s lungs, so keep them off the floor and out of reach. A can or plastic container can be opened in a wink with a dog’s teeth and should any be consumed, it will expand in the dog’s stomach and require surgery. Exercise caution and common sense when working around the house with your pet present.



Top 5 Hidden dangers for your dog you never knew

Due to their flatter faces, it can be dangerous to take certain dogs like Pugs and Bulldogs on an airplane. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that these types of dogs experience more problems flying than other breeds. When taking your pets to the beach for vacation, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Have lots of fresh water available, make sure they are wearing a life vest on a boat, and it’s important to make sure to keep your pets away from the gasoline used in the boats and other motorised vehicles.



Top 5 Hidden dangers for your dog you never knew

Dogs have an inquisitive nature and since they don’t have hands to check things out with they use their mouths. All these items should be kept off the floor and in a cabinet with doors. Pool chemicals, anti-freeze, windshield washer fluid, weed killer, fertilizers and poisons. If you spray your lawn with any chemicals, be sure to keep your dog off it until it dries. If your dog does get on the lawn, wash its paws with a dish washing detergent such as Dawn.



Top 5 Hidden dangers for your dog you never knew

It is a surprising fact but dogs were not born with the ability to do the dog paddle, they actually have to learn to swim.

A dog that falls into a pool or other body of water, without knowing how to swim can drown if help is not around. The other thing to keep in mind is to teach your dog how to get out of the pool on its own. If you are not around and your dog can’t get out of the pool on its own, there is a risk that the dog can get overtired and drown from exhaustion. It might be wise to consider a dog ramp if there are no steps as a means of getting out.



Top 5 Hidden dangers for your dog you never knew

Be careful when leaving windows open in your home. Dogs are curious by nature so that curiosity may get the better of them and your dog may end up jumping or falling. Windows, roofs, balconies and fire escapes all pose a danger. To help prevent these dangers use screens in your windows, open windows from the top instead of the bottom, or consider child-safety window guards.

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