5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment



5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Teach Him To Understand You 

In your dog's training include an important step and that is the 'quiet' command.That may need time and practice but every time when you reward him with a treat if he stays quiet when you tell him too it will eventually add this "quiet" command in his memory that will help you make him quiet when you want him too. 


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Try to Remove Non Essential Items 

Your dog might be barking at some things around him.Some dogs are scared of some specific things it can also be a toy or anything.Just change the surrounding several times by removing non essential items placed to see if that is the reason behind why your dog is barking more than usual.If your dog barks at other dogs try to socialize him.First from a distance and then gradually let him be close to other dogs. 


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Make Right Use of Energy 

As we all know that it takes few month for a dog to grow up.The growing puppies has immense amount of energies they need to use them.Same as a growing child they also need to use their energies to clam down.They need exercises and daily walks.Insufficient exercise routines and playing sessions also results in excessive barking. 


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Concentrate More 

There can be several factors that make your dog bark.Try to note them.Pay attention what makes him bark.That can be unsuitable temperature or hunger.That can be when they see a stranger or another dog walking in the street.If that's the case then try to give your dog a place where he won't see strangers or other people walking around.That can be the back side of your apartment.


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Ignoring It 

Ignoring is an important step how you can make your dog stop barking.It you respond every time when he barks or you also yell to and tell him to stop then it will have a counter effect.Your dog only recognizes sounds and does not understand English.He will bark more when you order him to stop and that will eventually make the situation worse.Try to ignore and he will think that it's useless to bark. 

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