Top 5 of The Rarest Dog Breeds


Dogs are the most loyal and friendly animals. They are commonly regarded among the first animals to be domesticated. There are hundreds of dog breeds in the world. These different dog breeds have been achieved as a result of interbreeding of dogs from variety of breeds to form a unique dog breed with varying temperaments and physical appearance. There are different types of dog breeds that are available for adoption but there are those breeds that have drastically reduced in numbers over the years.

Top 5 of The Rarest Dog Breeds


Lagotto Romagnolo:

Top 5 of The Rarest Dog Breeds

Lagotto Romagnolo is a rare Italian breed coming from Romagna. They were originally bred as water retrievers, but have also been used to hunt truffles as well. Many feel that the working drives and instincts have been bred out of Lagotto Romagnolos but still they are considered excellent family companions that are easy to train and care for.


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