5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment



5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Teach Him To Understand You 

In your dog's training include an important step and that is the 'quiet' command.That may need time and practice but every time when you reward him with a treat if he stays quiet when you tell him too it will eventually add this "quiet" command in his memory that will help you make him quiet when you want him too. 


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Try to Remove Non Essential Items 

Your dog might be barking at some things around him.Some dogs are scared of some specific things it can also be a toy or anything.Just change the surrounding several times by removing non essential items placed to see if that is the reason behind why your dog is barking more than usual.If your dog barks at other dogs try to socialize him.First from a distance and then gradually let him be close to other dogs. 


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Make Right Use of Energy 

As we all know that it takes few month for a dog to grow up.The growing puppies has immense amount of energies they need to use them.Same as a growing child they also need to use their energies to clam down.They need exercises and daily walks.Insufficient exercise routines and playing sessions also results in excessive barking. 


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Concentrate More 

There can be several factors that make your dog bark.Try to note them.Pay attention what makes him bark.That can be unsuitable temperature or hunger.That can be when they see a stranger or another dog walking in the street.If that's the case then try to give your dog a place where he won't see strangers or other people walking around.That can be the back side of your apartment.


5 Steps How To Stop Dog Barking in Your Apartment

Ignoring It 

Ignoring is an important step how you can make your dog stop barking.It you respond every time when he barks or you also yell to and tell him to stop then it will have a counter effect.Your dog only recognizes sounds and does not understand English.He will bark more when you order him to stop and that will eventually make the situation worse.Try to ignore and he will think that it's useless to bark. 

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Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds



Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds

The Lab, as it is affectionately called, is the most popular breed chosen by families. Another member of the working class of dogs, the Lab is best known for its intelligence, affection, patience, and gentility, making them perfect companions for households with kids. They are easily trained, and, in fact, are one of the top dogs chosen for search and rescue, assisting the disabled, and police work. They are also known to self train, observing behaviors in humans and repeating them -- a great asset in emergency situations.


Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds

The Shepherd was originally bred specifically for intelligence. Smart, courageous, and protective, the Shepherd is one of the most dependable of companions. They learn tasks after only a few repetitions, and obey first commands nearly always the first time it is given. They are eager to learn new tasks, as this gives them direction and purpose -- very important for a Shepherd. Besides being used for herding animals, they are often used as guard dogs, police dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, and have even been trained by the military for parachute jumps.


Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds

Doberman Pinscher are no doubt one of the best protectors of all dog breeds.They are also ranked as 3rd smartest dog breed among all dog breeds.


Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds

Another herding dog, the Rottweiler began in Germany as a true work companion. They are still primarily used for work as guard dogs and as police dogs. They are well known for their stoicism, keen perception, courage, and unflagging loyalty. They make an excellent addition to the family.


Top 5 Smartest Dog Breeds

This deceptively cute, butterfly-eared dog is smarter, tougher, and stronger than it appears (it's like the bionic dog). Often described as big dogs in little bodies, they have the athletic stamina to keep up on long walks, and the bravura of a canine ten times its size.They are ranked as 5th smartest dog breed of all times.

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5 cool dog facts you should know

There are hundreds of dogs breeds in the world. Each breed has its own unique characteristics and personality. Given below are 5 cool facts about them you should know.


5 cool dog facts you should know

Breathe easy. In addition to sweating through their paw pads, dogs pant to cool themselves off. A panting dog can take 300-400 breaths (compared to his regular 30-40) with very little effort.


5 cool dog facts you should know

Did you hear that? Sound frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). The higher the Hertz, the higher-pitched the sound. Dogs hear best at 8,000 Hz, while humans hear best at around 2,000 Hz.


5 cool dog facts you should know

It’s not so black and white. It’s a myth that dogs only see in black and white. In fact, it’s believed that dogs see primarily in blue, greenish-yellow, yellow and various shades of gray.


5 cool dog facts you should know

Here’s looking at you. Dogs have three eyelids, an upper lid, a lower lid and the third lid, called a nictitating membrane or “haw,” which helps keep the eye moist and protected.


5 cool dog facts you should know

Dogs do dream. Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) and during this REM stage dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming

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5 interesting facts about bulldogs

Bulldogs have a long and shinning history and are one of the most popular breeds in the world. Given below are 5 interesting facts about this amazing dog breed.


5 interesting facts about bulldogs

The famous haute cuisine restaurant elBulli in Catalonia, Spain run by chef Ferran AdriĆ  is named for the French bulldogs belonging to the original owners of the land where the restaurant is located.


5 interesting facts about bulldogs

Over 80 percent of bulldogs are delivered by Caesarean section. Having been bred with such large heads precludes most bulldog pups from being delivered naturally.


5 interesting facts about bulldogs

Bulldogs were originally bred in England dating back to the 16th century, believed to be a mix of mastiffs and pugs. The English bulldog is what’s most commonly referred to as a “bulldog” but there are popular French and American varieties as well.


5 interesting facts about bulldogs

Brigitte, the bulldog who plays Stella on Modern Family, has the distinction of being the first bulldog to win a Golden Collar award. She beat out dog performers from Chelsea Lately, Hot in Cleveland, Entourage, and Suburgatory. She also beat out the only human competitor, Jason Gann, the star of Wilfred.


5 interesting facts about bulldogs

Bulldogs are the 6th most popular breed in America and French bulldogs are ranked 18th. In Los Angeles though, bulldogs are #1, and French bulldogs are #5, according to the American Kennel Club.

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Top 5 Longest Living Dog Breeds

Considering the life span of the dog breed, you are going to adopt, is very important, in the sense that you will get an idea that how long can it live. It is a generally thought that the smaller dogs have got a longer life span and the bigger dogs tends to live shorter. Keeping into consideration the history and previous records about the life spans of most dog breeds we have made a list of 5 dog breeds which have got the longest life span.

1.Lhasa apso:

Top 5 Longest Living Dog Breeds

This amazing dog breed has a life span of over 16 years.


Top 5 Longest Living Dog Breeds

So here is the longest living dog breed. This amazing small dog breed has a life span of 20 years


Top 5 Longest Living Dog Breeds

The Beagles have got a life span of over 15 years.

4.Maltese Dogs:

Top 5 Longest Living Dog Breeds

This sweet and cute dog breed has a life span of over 15 years.

5.Boston Terriers:

Top 5 Longest Living Dog Breeds

They can have a life span of 15 years. 

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5 Most affectionate dog breeds

Most of the dog breeds are affectionate. The List is compromised of the 5 top breeds which have been found to be more affectionate than the other dog breeds.

1.Labrador Retriever:

5 Most affectionate dog breeds

Labrador retriever is one of the most famous dog breeds. They are intelligent, good tempered, gentle, agile, kind and most affectionate dog breeds.


5 Most affectionate dog breeds

Beagles are great dog breeds. They are intelligent, gentle, loyal, good tempered and determined dog breeds.


5 Most affectionate dog breeds

Dachshunds are amazing dog breeds. They are intelligent, playful, intelligent, devoted, lively and brave.

4.Miniature Schnauzer:

5 Most affectionate dog breeds

This breed of small dogs is intelligent, affectionate, alert, spirited, friendly, obedient and loyal.

5.American Eskimo Dog Breed:

5 Most affectionate dog breeds

The American Eskimo Dog breed is affectionate, loyal, protective, friendly and intelligent dog breed.

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